It’s amazing when you think about it, isn’t it? The fact that nowadays, such smaller devices than PCs, laptops and games consoles, devices we all know as MOBILE DEVICES, have changed the gaming industry as we know it.

These devices have completely changed the landscape of gaming, as most mobile devices, if not all of them, now enable their users to play video games on them. Well, it would most certainly kill time at the doctor’s waiting around for your appointment to occur…

Well known mobile devices such as the Smartphone, iPhone , iPad and many others have completely altered the way we play video games, especially considering the rise in ‘Indie’ video games in the past few years and the fact that popular online game titles have now been ported onto mobile devices. So we need not bother switching on a computer in order to play online games it would seem, any excuse to be lazy in any way, shape, or fashion, right?

So it seems that the more technology changes/evolves with the times, so too will the various ways the gaming industry change/evolve as well. Blimey, it’s hard for for anyone, even us MadSluggers to keep up these days…