The world of video game playing has come a very long way in the past few decades, long since the days of ‘Pac-Man’ and ‘Space Invaders’ , video game playing has completely evolved in so much more.

People of all ages, genders  and backgrounds play games, you have more parents playing video games with their children, everyone seems to be in the video game playing craze nowadays. As of this year: 2014, the average video game player is aged around 30 years old.

According to PBS Newshour in the United States (, an article that was published by the Entertainment Software Association stated that adult female video gamers have overtaken male video gamers under the age of 18 as the largest video gamer population in the United States. This shows clearly in regards as to whom plays video game, times have changed. Well, come on, the boys can’t have all the fun, can’t they?

This article from the Entertainment Software Accosiation gives us more fasinating facts about how video gaming has evolved over the years: ( Oh yes, we MadSluggers do investigative research on facts about stuff like this…

So video gaming has changed that much over the years has it? We MadSluggers are exhausted just trying to keep up…